Claim Your Voter Power

You are about to HIRE your leaders.

This FREE, short, non-partisan e-booklet (and worksheet) will help you prepare yourself for this awesome privilege and opportunity

Here are the topics in this short e-booklet

1. Your Time of Maximum Voter Power
2. Be Aware of Three Kinds of Leader Power
3. Are You a Rational Voter? Think Again
4. The View from the Top: The President’s Power
5. Power Partners in Legislation: The President and Congress
6. The Special Powers of Senators
7. The Special Powers of Representatives
8. Lift Up Your Ideals
9. Develop Yourself by Voting
10 Step into Your Voter Power
11. Voting Day: Ready, Set, Vote
12. Get Help and Voting Information

2 page fillable worksheet

Clarify your issue priorities

Compare candidates